relational network
Lead Elder: Rob Kotting
Encountering and experiancing the love of jesus and making him known to all people.
Our Vision
To encounter and experience the love of Jesus and make Him known to all people.
In this house we:
- Fellowship together in Church, homes, camps and conferences and around meals.
- We worship and praise the Lord from thankful Hearts.
- We pray and Study the Living word of God.
- We live out of Kingdom thinking by allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us.
- We practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit and encourage others to participate.
- We love and serve one another.
- We reach out to others through our lifestyles and friendship evangelism.
- We give with generous hearts, time, money, and resources.
- We rejoice with one another, weep with one another, and celebrate promotion with one another.
- We live from a place of peace & Joy, content in all circumstances because we are.
- Learning who we are and Who’s we are, called to be children of an extravagantly good Father.